CheckInOnMe: Personal Safety App

Check out this personal safety app for the iphone. If your going out on a date or a night out with the girls. This app offers a safety net to make sure you make it home safely.



Take the worry out of meeting strangers, being in new places, or being alone. CheckInOnMe was designed to be a personal safety net for:

  • * Online daters
  • * Craigslist buyers and sellers
  • * Realtors, property managers, and insurance adjusters
  • * Social workers
  • * Sole proprietors and consultants
  • * Travellers
  • * College women
  • * Taxi drivers and delivery people
  • * Stay-at-home moms and caretakers
  • * Commuters walking to and from cars to the station
  • * Retail workers walking to cars late at night
  • * The elderly or infirm
  • * And anybody looking for a virtual buddy system when you're not sure if you're safe.



Hi! I'm Debbie from CheckInOn.Me. We are still building our Android app first. It'll be ready in July, as will our API. Our iPhone app should be out in the fall. Thanks for writing about us!